- Governance: The Conceptual Model
- Governance in the Credit Union and Cooperative Sector
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Director Conduct
- Strategic Thinking and Planning
- Linking Strategy to Risk and Reporting
- Risk Governance and Oversight
- ESG: Environment, Social and Governance (NEW)
- External Communications and The Board
- The Chair of The Board
- Committees of The Board
- CEO Succession, Selection, and Delegation
- CEO Evaluation and Compensation
- The Credit Union System
- In-Camera and Executive Sessions
- Board Evaluation
- Board Orientation & Onboarding
- Board Renewal and Profiling
- Teacher: David Brown
- Teacher: Tan Crombie
- Teacher: Rob DeRooy
- Financial Governance Role #1: Budgeting and Forecasting
- Financial Governance Role #2: Evaluating the Financial Statements
- Accounting Principles
- Financial Governance Role #3: Monitoring Financial Performance
- Teacher: David Brown
- Teacher: Tan Crombie
- Teacher: Rob DeRooy
- Director Liability (NEW)
- Leadership (NEW)
- Boardroom Culture (NEW)
- Forging Healthy Boardroom Relationships (NEW)
- Integrity in The Boardroom (NEW)
- Teacher: David Brown
- Teacher: Tan Crombie
- Teacher: Rob DeRooy
- Teacher: David Brown
- Teacher: Tan Crombie
- Teacher: Rob DeRooy